
Legal Disclaimer

The information on our website and the business we engage in do not provide any legal advice and none of the information provided on our website or following your registration on our website should be considered to be legal advice. The information on the website is to be used for informational and educational purposes only and is not legal advice. Though our owners, contractors or employees may be lawyers, for the purposes of our website and the business we are engaged in, is not a law firm(s) or a lawyer(s).
We are NOT engaged in the practice of law in any capacity for the purpose of this website or upon being contacted following your our registration on this website and we do not under any circumstance provide legal advice or hold ourself out to provide legal advice.
We make no promise, guarantee, or claim about the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of the data or information contained on, linked in, or provided by our website or by any communication with you following your registration on our website. We make no representation as to any information provided by the lawyers that we refer your matter to, including no representation as to these lawyers reliability, quality, ability, adequacy, competency, location, professional status or otherwise or that these lawyers will be superior to other lawyers.
We are not affiliated with any other law firm, other lawyer or any governmental or regulatory body. We are not providing any legal advice either on this website or on any follow up following your registration on our website and no person registering on our website is considered a client ours.
We are not practicing law or providing legal services for the purpose of the Law Society of Upper Canada Rules of Professional Conduct and the Law Society Act (Ontario).
Although we express interest from potential participants with legal claims or cases, we are under no obligation whatsoever whether at law or in equity to continue pursuing the details of the registered particpatn or to assist in placing that registered participant with a lawyer. We provide no guarantee, obligation or presentation that we will attempt to obtain lawyers for the registered participants nor any obligation to attempt to assist the registered participants.

Terms and Conditions excludes all warranties, representations and conditions related to this website or the use of this website.
We own the intellectual property on our website and material on our website. These intellectual property rights are reserved. People accessing our website are not allowed to copy, edit, sell, reproduce or retransmit any of the information contained on the website in any form whatsoever.
By registering on our website or providing us information for the purposes of our website, your provide us with the non-exclusive, free, worldwide, right and license for us to use the information you provide us with reproduce, adapt, publish or distribute your information. By registering on our website and providing us with your contact details, you consent to us releasing this information to our network of connected lawyers for the purpose of our lawyer referral service.
When registering on our website or providing us information for the purposes of our website, you agree to release us from all liability whatsoever, whether at law or in equity, for any act or conduct take by us or for any information contained on the website.
Access to certain areas of our website can be restricted by us at any time and we reserve the right to restrict access to any areas of our website at any time at our unfettered discretion.
We do not warranty the completeness, sufficiency or accuracy of the information contained on our website and do not promise or guarantee that the information contained on our website is up-to-date or that the website will remain available.
All lawyers registered with our site or engaged in our business are granted access to the details of the listings that our posted on our website. This information is provided to that lawyer under strict confidence and is not intended to be disseminated by that lawyer without the prior approval of the participant. This information is intended to be treated with the same confidentiality by the lawyer that they would receive from their own potential clients.
Through these terms and conditions, we are providing the lawyer with notice that they are to uphold the solicitor client privilege as required by law. We make no warranty, representation or take on any obligation regarding the use by that lawyer of the participants’ information or that the lawyer will uphold the solicitor client privilege requirement as required by law.


We will take best efforts to ensure that the information you provide us will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to any other party without your prior consent, unless required by law or in equity. The internet is inherently insecure so we do not make any promise or provide any guarantee that the information transmitted on the website will remain secure.


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If you have any questions about our Legal Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, or Terms and Conditions, please email us at: